Die Fokus-program “Net vir ‘n Graffie”

Current legislation in South Africa about the viability of life: All babies born before 26 weeks of gestation are being treated as medical waste.

Die Fokus-program “Nader aan ‘n Graffie”

KYKNET Kwêla (Terese Benade) Profile

“Só maak ‘n mens mos ‘n verskil!” Coenie de Villiers

SABC2 Fokus (Karen D’Orville) Alzheimer’s Disease & Dementia

In Multi-Sensory Rooms, long-forgotten memories of Alzheimer’s sufferers are stimulated.

NPO, Voice of the Unborn Child (Baby) challenging country’s medical waste laws

The organisation wants parents to be given the right to bury their children with dignity. Currently, babies born before 26 weeks of gestation are not considered as legal beings.

eNuus Alzheimer’s Disease – Multi-Sensory

A new concept in caring for patients suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease introduced to the elderly in Pretoria by Sonja Smith.

Careerspace Video Shoot

We did a video-shoot with CareerSpace to showcase the career of a Funeral Director to learners looking to find out more about job- & career opportunities within the South African economy.

SABC2 Issues of Faith (Dust To Dust) Green Funerals

In this broadcast, covering the funeral rituals of various cultures and religions in South Africa, Sonja Smith, MD of Sonja Smith Funeral Group (Pty) Ltd is featured talking about Green Funerals.

SABC News Repatriaton of the EBO 4

Sonja Smith Funeral Group assisted the Heritage Foundation to return the human remains of fallen South African Soldiers from Angola.


Kosmos Stereo en Panorama FM

1. Kosmos Stereo En Panorama FM

2. Kosmos Stereo En Panorama FM

3. Kosmos Stereo En Panorama FM

4. Kosmos Stereo En Panorama FM

5. Kosmos Stereo En Panorama FM

RSG Geestesgesondheid

RSG Geestesgesondheid

60 Plus Retirement Programme – With Kelvin Glen

60 Plus Retirement Programme - With Kelvin Glen


Beeld – Entrepreneur met ‘n hart vir ‘n medemens

’n Hartverskeurende blik van staatslykhuise op Carte Blanche in 1997, gevolg deur ’n agter-die skerms-toer van ’n begrafnisonderneming,
het gelei tot Sonja Smith se brandende ­begeerte om die hartseer in ’n bedryf vol tragedie te temper met skoonheid.

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“Die digitale era bring vir die wat agterbly toenemend nuwe uitdagings mee wanneer ‘n geliefde sterf.” – Jana van der Merwe

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Beeld – profile

“Die Pretorianer Sonja Smith bedryf ’n begrafnisonderneming onder haar eie naam, want “verpersoonlik” is haar wag-, wen- en trooswoord. Én beautify,” het Linette Retief uitgevind.

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Beeld – Alzheimer’s & Dementia

“Die belangrikste doel van die kamer is egter om pret te hê en inwoners in ’n goeie luim te sit,” het Sonja Smit, begrafnisondernemer van Pretoria en dryfkrag agter die projek, gesê.

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Beeld – om afskeid te neem van ‘n ongebore kind

“Talle ouers dring vanweë hul geloofsoortuiging daarop aan om ’n begrafnis vir hul doodgebore baba te hou, ongeag die stadium van swangerskap,”
sê Sonja Smith, ’n begrafnisondernemer van Centurion.

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Rapport – profile

“Iets eie onderskei dié diens vir kliënte.” – Antoinette Slabbert

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‘n Vrou se Sagte Hand.

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Major Journalism Project on Dementia

“That really bugged me. I knew I had to do something. I had no background in how to help stimulate Alzheimer’s…

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The Funeral Magazine

Can I buy a Sonja?

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SA Wood & Timber Times

Towards softer, greener, more compassionate interment future

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A winning multi-store franchise

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Devoted Magazine

The Voice of the Unborn Baby

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Wat hou die Toekoms in?

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Sondagaand, 22 Desember 2013 om 18:30 op SABC2 Fokus, is die program oor Alzheimer’s se siekte en die effek van Multi-sensoriese kamers uitgesaai. Hier is Karin D’orville, Spesialis-Regisseur besig om ‘n onderhoud met my te voer.

I am truly honoured to feature in a MAJOR JOURNALISM PROJECT EXPLORING THE WORLD OF DEMENTIA by Rachael Heslehurst, United Kingdom.

It was such a privilege to be one of ten people that she interviewed in SA.

Rachael did a study on people who have been affected by dementia in the UK. She was then sent to South Africa to cover stories for the One World Media Project.

“I chose dementia because I had been researching it for a while in the UK. It’s almost a taboo subject – it’s something people don’t usually talk about. People know about cancer and AIDS and HIV – but do they know much about dementia? It’s a disease which is ruining just as many lives and needs just as much research. It’s something which is a global issue – as more and more people get older; the risks of developing conditions such as dementia are higher.”

Thank you to Denise Fredericks from Alzheimer’s SA who facilitated Rachael’s interviews.

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