Self-Care During Isolation

Self-Care During Isolation

Self-Care During Isolation

From the start a lot of confusing and sometimes contradicting information about Covid-19 abounded. There is still a lot of contradicting opinions about treatments, vaccinations, and more being spread every day. One thing that is absolutely true, however, is that it is a serious disease that has caused a lot of devastation. Many of us have had to deal with periods of self-isolation, regardless of whether we were actually ill or not. When you do need to self-isolate, it is critical that you take care of yourself mentally, physically, and emotionally. We have some tips on how you can do that.

I’m not ill but have to self-isolate

If you were in contact with someone that had the virus, you might need to self-isolate. You might also test positive but show none of the symptoms and feel absolutely fine.

  • Keep up with your schedule

Do your best to stick to your schedule. If you can work from home, stick to your normal working hours and routine. If you usually go for a jog or a walk, try out some different cardio exercises that you can do at home like jumping jacks, jump rope, running in place, and mountain climbers. Make it fun, put on some music, and dance – it will also give you a great cardio session if you really go for it.

  • Positive reinforcement

Remind yourself that this is only temporary. The time in which you need to self-isolate will pass. You are doing what is best for yourself and society by making sure the virus does not spread.

  • Do what you usually can’t

If you can’t work from home or you can do very little work from home, take the time to learn something new or do the things you always want to, but don’t have the time.

Learn to cook a new dish, or just learn to cook if you don’t know-how. Snuggle up and read that book that’s been sitting on your nightstand. Binge watch the series and movies that have been on your must-watch-list.

  • Keep up with your hygiene

It could be quite easy to decide that you’ll have a permanent pyjamas day during your self-isolation, but don’t do this. Get up and get dressed for a good start to your day. Make your bed and get some fresh air. It will help you feel more positive and energized.

I’m not very ill, but I’m not feeling 100% either

You might only show minimal symptoms and feel slightly under the weather. While you can mostly do all the things that you normally would, you should pay attention to some crucial things.

  • Rest work balance

You will probably be able to do some work every day, but you should focus on getting enough rest to make sure your body can keep fighting off the virus. Work for an hour or two, then step away from your screen and take a nap. Take your meds and go to bed early. Rethink your daily exercise. You don’t want to overwork and stress your body when you’re not feeling great so rather take it slow.

  • Stay connected

Staying connected with your friends and family can really help to carry you through the time of isolation. Call a friend or family member every day and just chat.

  • Keep up with your hygiene

This is even more important if you are just feeling slightly ill. Nothing makes you feel worse than getting back into an unmade bed or wearing the same pyjamas for a week. Wear fresh clothes and pyjamas, take a hot bath and relax in the steam. Fresh clothes won’t make you healthy, but they will make you feel better.

I’m really ill

Unfortunately, some people do feel seriously ill and listless when they have to self-isolate. Hopefully, you have someone there to support you, but if you are home alone, remember these things.

  • Keep up the hygiene

Yes, we’ve said it for a third time now, but it really is that important. Even when you are feeling very ill, dressing in a new pair of pyjamas and getting into a neatly made bed with fresh sheets just helps you feel better.

  • Rest, rest, rest

Take all the naps you need during the day. Chances are you won’t have a lot of energy to do a whole lot, so napping and sleeping will be a big part of your day in any way. Rest is what your body needs, so don’t feel guilty about just sleeping all the time. Even when you aren’t sleeping, lie down and watch your favourite movie. Give your body the best chance to fight.

  • Eat

Your appetite and desire to make food might be almost non-existent, but your body needs the energy to keep fighting the virus. Make one big pot of soup and reheat a cup when you want to eat. If you have friends or family members that can help you, contact them. Ask if they would be willing to make a big and healthy one-pot meal for you. Let them leave it at the gate and fetch it there. If there are other people in the house, ask them to just leave a plate of easy to eat food at your door.

Whenever you have to self-isolate, staying in a positive frame of mind is possibly one of the most difficult things to do. Have some mantras ready. Saying positive things over and over really does help you stay in a positive mindset.