12 Reasons Why You Should Travel Solo at Least Once In Your Life

12 Reasons Why You Should Travel Solo at Least Once In Your Life

12 Reasons Why You Should Travel Solo at Least Once In Your Life

Solo travel represents independence and freedom, an adventure to be had that cannot wait for someone to go with you. When you think of travelling on your own, what is the first thing that comes to mind – fear or excitement? Travelling opens our eyes to the world around us and different cultures. As a solo traveller, you can immerse yourself in a whole new set of experiences.

Step Outside Your Comfort Zone

The thought of travelling solo can be a bit disconcerting at first. This is because you are stepping out of your comfort zone – something which is never easy. However, moving outside of this zone will allow you to truly see what you’re made of. It will challenge you to become more adaptable to change and seek information and experiences other than what you already know. Your life-skills and self-knowledge will expand, and you will grow and mature as a person.

Build Self-Confidence During Your Solo Travels

As you navigate and negotiate your way through your travels, you will realise how competent you are and gain a sense of achievement, increasing your self-confidence. Travelling also always inspires a more positive outlook on life.

Use This Time To Reflect

Solo travel will present you with an opportunity to let your mind wander freely. Without friends and family around, you will be able to be yourself. In the process, you will probably learn a whole lot about yourself too.

Make New Friends

When you travel, you will inevitably meet new people. This will force you to be more outgoing than usual, especially if you are an introvert. Conversations will become easier as they revolve around simple subjects like asking others where they are travelling to or where they are from. These conversations are also the next best thing to Trip Advisor in terms of reviews on where the best local restaurants, accommodation, and travel modes are.

Enjoy The Spontaneity Life Offers

Travelling on your own allows you to create a tailored schedule of what you want to do, when you want to do it, and how you want to do it. If you particularly like a specific place, you can choose to extend your stay to gain a better understanding of its daily rhythm.

Take A Proper Holiday

When you travel on your own, you don’t have to make any compromises. This is one time when you can be selfish in everything you choose to do.

You Have Financial Control

Budgeting can be problematic if you are travelling with someone else. Their budget may not be as extensive or limited as yours, and this can put a strain on what you want to do, where you want to stay and what you want to eat. Travelling solo means that you don’t have to indulge anyone else’s budget other than your own.

Live In The Moment

Travelling on your own avoids the petty squabbles and moods that come with travelling as a couple or in a group. It also allows you to live in the moment and connect with the people and places around you – without any distractions. You will be able to appreciate your travels better.

Experiences Last Longer Than Things

The thrill of buying something will eventually fade, but memories of your travels will last throughout your lifetime. This is the secret to happiness.

Use Loneliness Constructively

Although there will be times when you get lonely, use this time constructively to untangle your thoughts. It’s also a perfect opportunity to catch up with emails or messages to friends and family, as well as to update your travel diary. Life doesn’t often grant us time to be still. Being alone while you travel should be seen as a precious gift that allows you to find your own pace and uncover your specific preferences in life.

Arrange A Group Solo Experience

However, if you find that the loneliness is getting too much, sign yourself up for a tour or short trip with a travel company. You will meet a whole group of new people and probably make some good friends in the process.

The Greatest Gift

Travelling on your own will teach you things that you will probably never learn anywhere else. You will also gain a sense of independence that nobody can take from you, combined with your new knowledge. This is true freedom.

Remember – Safety First

The world is mostly good, but you may run into some trouble if you are not always aware of your situation and surroundings. There are some simple precautions that you should take:

  • Always leave a copy of your travel plans with friends or family back home, and make sure to check in regularly. If your travel plans change, make sure to let your family or friends know.
  • Trust your instinct, even if you feel that you may be acting paranoid or rude. We have been given that prickly feeling of unease for a purpose.
  • Don’t overdo alcohol when you are travelling solo – you need to keep your faculties together as you are the only person looking after yourself. Don’t put yourself in a situation where others can take advantage of you.
  • Don’t rely on electronic devices and gadgets. Keep a list of essential contact numbers written down, as well as a copy of your passport and any other important travel documents, such as visas, tickets, etc.
  • If you are travelling in a country where their first language is not your own, carry a business card of the place where you are staying. This will always help you find your way back.
  • It also helps to make friends with the concierge of wherever you are staying. You can tell them where you are going when you leave your accommodation as a safety precaution.

With solo travel, you always need to be aware of what you are getting yourself into and take heed of the necessary safety precautions of whichever country you visit. Initially, solo travel may seem very daunting, but all it takes is that first step. Once you experience the freedom that comes with solo travelling, you will be invigorated to continue.